Regional Pitch Event

In order to provide an enhanced experience for Technovation participants, an Official Regional Technovation Pitch Events will be organized with major stakeholders involved in Addis Ababa. These events will give the girls an opportunity to practice public speaking as they present their apps to a diverse audience. In a few regions around the world where Technovation Ambassadors are engaging more than 50 girls, they will be supported to organize Official Regional Pitch events (through a partial grant). Judges for these Official Regional Pitch events will submit their scores to the global Technovation website, and the winner(s) of these official events will automatically advance to the Global Semifinal Round.

Efforts will be made to solicit local sponsors to provide prizes for these local events. Any winners of these events should feel extremely proud of their great accomplishment, and effort will be made to encourage local, regional and international press coverage of such high achievers.


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